Daily 10
Draw near to God during the week with our daily devotional.

Joshua 10:1-11

When we seek God’s counsel, we not only receive comfort that we are following his will, but often times favor with God as we align with his plans.

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Joshua 9:3-15

In your current walk with God, how often do you take the time to seek his counsel and direction?

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Joshua 8:1-2

God works through people like Rahab, whom we are often inclined to reject. God remembered her because of her faith not her profession.

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Joshua 6:22-25

Are there people that you have ignored, mistreated, judged because they are different from you? Do you need to ask them or God for forgiveness?

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Joshua 5:13-15

Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, “What message does my Lord have for his servant?” The commander of the Lord’s army replied, “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so.

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Joshua 4:18-24

How does it impact you to know that God had you in mind when He was revealing Himself in powerful ways throughout history?

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Joshua 4:1-7

Spiritual markers are times in our lives when God reveals Himself to us in powerful ways.

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Joshua 3:1-11

When God reveals what He is up to, then we must step out in faith and follow wherever He leads.

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Joshua 2:8-14

God is able to use all kinds of people to accomplish His work. All that He requires is faith. In what areas of your life is God asking you to step out in faith?

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Joshua 1:1-9

Obedience is an opportunity to express our love for God and a way to be drawn into the blessing of a more intimate relationship with Jesus.

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Deuteronomy 34:1-12 & Hebrews 11:23-26

It doesn’t matter where you are in life, how many times or how greatly you’ve failed. God is writing the story of your life. When you willingly listen to what He says and follow God’s Words, His story in you can become amazing.

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Deuteronomy 31:1-8; 14-2

What key truths about God do you need to remember to help you to follow His plan? How can you remind those around you of these truths today?

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Deuteronomy 8:1-5 & Matthew 4:4

If we can just earn enough money to eat, dress nicely and be entertained, we think we are really living the good life. But these things do not satisfy our deepest longings.

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