Daily 10
Draw near to God during the week with our daily devotional.

John 6:1-15

With each metaphor, Jesus is inviting us to understand something that He is, and something that He does for us.

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Luke 15:25-32

Why might our modern culture struggle with the truth concerning God’s grace and His heart for reconciliation?

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Luke 15:17-24

Instead of anger and judgment, the son is met with compassion, a warm embrace and kisses.

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Luke 15:11-16

When a son is lost, who suffers more, the son who is lost or the father who lost him?

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Luke 15:8-10

Once again Jesus is communicating His eternal purpose for coming into our world.

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Luke 15:1-7

In this first of three parables, Jesus focuses on lost things being found.

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Mark 15:1-5

Pilate, like everyone else, had to decide what he was going to do with the claims of Jesus.

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Matthew 26:57-67

Some scholars who are critical of biblical Christianity say, “Jesus never claimed to be the Messiah or the Son of God.”

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Luke 9:28-36a

Scripture leaves no doubt that Jesus knew who He was and why He came into the world.

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John 8:48-58

At the end of the day, we each must answer the same question that Jesus asked His disciples: “Who do you say that I am?”

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