Death to Life

April 13, 2020

Colossians 2:13-15 (NIV)

When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.


On Good Friday, we celebrated the death of Jesus. It is not often that death is celebrated in our culture. What was it about the death of Jesus that is worth celebrating? In Colossians two, Paul reminds his readers why Jesus had to die for humanity. In verse thirteen, Paul writes, “When you were dead in your sins…” It is because of our sin that Jesus needed to die.

One of the things that Good Friday reminds us of is the weight of our sin! In his letter to the church in Rome, Paul writes, “For the wages of sin is death.” Did you catch the weight of that statement? Because of our sin, we are separated from God. Because of our sin, we experience both physical and spiritual death. Scripture is very clear: “Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.” You see, Jesus’ death is a big deal. Through His death, we experience God’s forgiveness and are reconciled to God! Therefore, Paul finishes verse thirteen this way, “God made you alive with Christ.”

Good Friday is a big deal because if there is no death then there is no resurrection. Because of Good Friday and Easter, “Death has been swallowed up in victory!”

Questions to Ponder

When you think about Good Friday, do you ponder the weight of your own sin? When you picture Christ on the cross, are you able to take personal responsibility for your own sin? Have you experienced God’s forgiveness and reconciliation by putting your faith in the One who died to set you free?


  • Thank the LORD for pouring out His life as a drink offering to us.
  • Thank the LORD for reconciling us to God.
  • As You thank the LORD for forgiving you, ask Him to search your heart and reveal any unconfessed sin that you might have. Then confess that sin and ask for forgiveness.
Suggested prayer:
LORD, thank You Lord for taking on my sins so that I could be with You. Thank You for loving me so extravagantly, even though I was a sinner. You died and rose again for me! LORD, thank You for grace! You know I recently heard GRACE = God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense! It’s Your kindness that leads me to repentance.

Holy Father, You want me to be holy as You are Holy. Holy Spirit enable me to keep short accounts with You throughout the day. Help me to pause and invite You to search my heart and reveal any offensive way in me. Put me in touch with my brokenness and as I truly mourn over my sins. Help me to confess, turn from them and receive Your forgiveness.

Thank You Lord for being so kind and generous! Thank You for Your compassion and Your love that never fails me. Thank You that I don’t have to cover up anything, You just want me to give it over to You and sincerely repent. Thank You for loving me perfectly! I pray all of this in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.