No Room For Partiality

June 15, 2020

Deuteronomy 16:18-20

Appoint judges and officials for each of your tribes in every town the Lord your God is giving you, and they shall judge the people fairly. Do not pervert justice or show partiality. Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the innocent. Follow justice and justice alone, so that you may live and possess the land the Lord your God is giving you.


The book of Deuteronomy is a reminder to Israelites of all the laws and instructions that God had given them. Moses is getting ready to pass on the mantle of leadership to Joshua. In the above text, Moses commands the appointment of judges and officials that will “judge fairly”. Then he instructs the people: “do not pervert justice or show partiality.” Then he instructs: “Follow justice and justice alone.” These instructions come with a promise: “so that you may live and possess the land the Lord your God is giving you.” In essence, God is instructing the people to be fair and nonprejudicial when it comes to the application and enforcement of their laws. If they could do this, then God’s blessing would follow. In the last book of the Old Testament, we discover that Israel’s political and religious leaders failed to carry out these instructions. “So, I have caused you to be despised and humiliated before all the people, because you have not followed my ways but have shown partiality in matters of the law” (Malachi 2:9).

So, what modern day application can we glean from this text? Prejudice (partiality) is belief without basis. It is approaching a situation with a predetermined mindset. It is showing a bias toward someone based on external appearance or a faulty understanding of the facts. We are warned in James 2:8-9, “If you really keep the law found in scripture, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’ you are doing right. But if you show favoritism (partiality), you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers.” Prejudice is wrong and is considered a sin! Make no mistake, God hates prejudice. Scripture declares that God does not show favoritism! As children of God, we are to reflect His character in this world.

When it comes right down to it, we all are prejudiced. We are all biased because we are all sinners! Therefore, we have to be instructed not to act this way. It is inconsistent with God’s character. This is part of our sinful nature. “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess ours sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:8-9). I truly believe healing for our nation will begin when we all start being honest with ourselves. I am not perfect. While in this flesh, I will never be perfect. I had the blessing today of spending the afternoon with a family of a different race. I just listened! I learned something about what life would be like to be in their shoes. I lamented the fact that I had never taken the time to really understand what it would be like to be African American in our culture. I listened! I learned! I lamented! When it was over, I wept and asked God for forgiveness for not caring enough to empathize with my brothers and sisters of color. Lord God have mercy on me, a sinner!

Questions to Ponder:

Have you ever shown favoritism or partiality? What does God think about prejudice or partiality? Have you taken the time to listen, learn, and lament? Do you have a negative reaction when you hear the phrase “white privilege” or “black lives matter”? If so, why? Have you prayed and asked God to search your heart and reveal any offensive way in you?

Prayer Points

  • Ask God to reveal to you ways that you have shown favoritism or partiality.
  • Thank God that He has forgiven you as far as the east is from the west. Ask Him to lead you into truth, help you be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s promptings, and to be aware when you’re showing favoritism or partiality.
  • Ask the Father to show you who you can reach out to today. Ask Him to lead you to friends or family members who are black. Ask Him to give you ears to listen.

Suggested Prayer
God of justice, I praise You Lord that You are Sovereign, King Eternal, Everlasting Lord. Thank You for never leaving or forsaking me. Thank You for drawing me with cords of loving kindness. Father, You know everything. You know every hidden way in me, so come Lord and reveal truth to me. I confess God in the past I have minimized people’s reality of unfair treatment. I have overlooked, not defended them. Help me to be impartial towards injustice. Help me to see people the way that You see people. Help me to look at my own heart as well. Give me eyes to see areas where I show favoritism so that I may confess them to you and repent! Will you forgive me for the hurt I have caused? Have mercy on me oh God, a sinner. Open my eyes to You and Your truth so that I can be a blessing to each person that I meet. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask. Amen.