Working Hard or Hardly Working?

May 13, 2020

Psalm 90:17

May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;
establish the work of our hands for us—
yes, establish the work of our hands.

Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,


Last weekend we learned that one of the traits of the virtuous woman was diligence. The Bible has a lot to say about our work and our work ethic. What we do is important to God because it correlates with His mission or purpose for our lives. Our work matters to God because it is the mission field in which He has placed us. While we are working, we are cultivating relationships with those around us. The purpose of these relationships is that we might exercise influence (salt & light) as we work alongside of others. Godly influence is God’s way of revealing Himself to those who do not know Him.

Because we are called to exercise godly influence in our workplace, our testimony before our co-workers is crucial. Part of our testimony is our work ethic. Yesterday we saw that we are to reflect the character of God in His world. This is especially true in the workplace. If you do not have a strong work ethic, what does this communicate to your co-workers about yourself and your God? The Bible has a lot to say about laziness. King Solomon wrote, “The lazy do not roast game, but the diligent feed on the riches of the hunt.” Whatever our work is, we are to work hard because it is part of our testimony before an unbelieving world.

Questions to Ponder:

Do you see your workplace as a mission field for God? Do the people you work with know that you are a follower of Jesus? What does your work ethic communicate about you and God to your co-workers?

Prayer Points

  • Pray for your co-workers. If your work is within the home then pray for those in your family, your neighbors, and others that are out and about working. Pray they will be salt and light.
  • Pray for the church around the world: Help us all LORD to be salt and light.
  • Help us God to have a testimony of You Jesus on our lips through words but also how we live our lives.
  • Pray for strength to do all things for His Glory. Pray for the areas where you are feeling weak/lazy and ask the Holy Spirit to enable you, strengthen you and give you help.

Suggested Prayer
Father of Glory, You give strength to the weak and power to those who ask. So I am asking Father in heaven, grant me and Your church power and strength in the Name of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit within us. Come and release empowerment. We need You LORD. We don’t want to be doing things in our own strength but In Your power and presence. Let Your Word run swiftly and powerfully in and through Your church. Glorify Your Name and let us all be guilty of having beautiful feet because we have brought the good news to those around us. Help us to have shared the good news of Your gospel through our lives and through our words that Jesus Christ is LORD. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.